Wednesday, January 8, 2014

8 Writing Groups on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the best social media networks for connecting with like-minded peers. Below are some of the top groups I have identified for writers.

  1. Pen and Paper World: Let us teach, let us learn, let us listen to one another. Let us be a great support for each other.
  2. Fiction Writers GuildA group for writing, encouraging, publishing, and promoting fiction.
  3. Aspiring Writers: This fast growing group is for aspiring writers to share experiences, success stories and disappointments and get help from like-minded individuals. If you come against brick walls trying to publish your work, hopefully this group will be able to give you sensible advice as to how to move forward.
  4. THE WRITERS' NETWORK: If you're an established writer, mingle with your peers. If you're aspiring, pick up some tips from your colleagues. Editors, agents, and others in the publishing business are welcome. 
  5. Writers: The Writers Group is a small group devoted to the purpose of helping writers to refine and polish their writing skills through group interaction and critiquing.
  6. Creative Designers and WritersThis group is an alliance of designers, artists, animators, game developers and creative writers. The goal of this group is to be the preferred place on LinkedIn for creative professionals from the above field to have conversations on topics like creative inspiration, design questions, resources, hot design/technology news, popular trends, constructive critiques, writing tips and more. 
  7. Authors, Writers, Publishers, Editors, & Writing Professionals: Group is open to publishing professionals. If you're just starting out, that's fine, but you need to be connected in some way to the publishing industry.
  8. LinkEds & writers:  This is the biggest and best LinkedIn group for editors, proofreaders and writers. And it's spam free.
Do you have more? Please share.

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